HYPERFLEX 5 Messi & Paoloni - Low loss coaxial cable - 25 meter reel


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Messi & Paoloni Coaxial Cable - 33 meter reel

Overturning market standards, the brand new M&P HYPERFLEX 5 becomes the international reference point for 5.4mm cables for attenuation, flexibility and shielding efficiency.

The best in its class for:

Extreme flexibility: a sophisticated copper-stranded central conductor, ( 19 wires instead of 7 ) guarantees a perfect connection between cable and motorized antennas.

New dielectric redesign: exceptional attenuations up to 6 Ghz, even better than many competitive single-conductor cables.

Shielding efficiency: > 105 dB (SA) , and greater robustness, obtained by adding 24 more wires to the braid, for a total of 120 wires, (88% coverage + 100% shielding tape). This leads to a notable reduction in background noise. (Moreover, the braiding machines used have 24 spindles, instead of 16, guaranteeing 50% more crossings ).

Lightweight: 4.4 Kg/100m , for less stress on the cable connected to the motorized antenna in the "hanging and swinging" section.

Excellent power handling!

We are very proud of the result achieved, serving the amateur radio world!


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ottimo cavo
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ottimo cavo sostituisce rg58 , ma con prestazione nettamente superiori
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